Among The Gods: All The Way Through Gerri Anne Redmond
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Message: A Janner through and through totally shocked. We are a huge family in Plymouth, a city but village at heart. Your grief is our grief. Your sadness is our sadness. Your strength is our strength.Your grief will ease, your memories will continue.Much love to all friends, families and colleagues of those tragically taken.Steve x
Message: As a born and bred Janner maid, who now lives in South Gloucestershire. I would like to send my condolences & love to the families of those affected by the shooting.Us Janners are made of tough stuff & with the communities coming together the victims families will get through this..Big hugs xAll the best Carol
Prescribed fire projects are planned in several lo cations throughout the for est: Tim bered Mountain located north of Alturas; project east of Ash Creek; and Bark Springs lo cated west of Howard's Gulch are slated first. The largest project area is located east of Ash Creek located be tween Messenger Gulch and Am brose Valley. The objective of this project is to burn some of the pine nee dles and small twigs that have accumulated on the forest floor over many decades. Pine needles and small twigs burn very quickly during late sum mer and cause very hot fires. Wild fires spread quickly when there are a lot of fine fu els. 1e1e36bf2d